Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ooad Design Specifications Free Essays

Eatery All-in-one Management System (RAMs) Design Specification with UML by Leung Chun Kit and Leung Ting Fong 03011720 and 03011739 (Group 22) COMP 2221 Lecturer: Prof. Jiming Liu December 4, 2004 I. Chapter by chapter guide I. We will compose a custom article test on Ooad Design Specifications or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Table of Content1 II. Graphical Notion Used2 Notation of Use Case Diagram2 Notation of Class Diagram2 Notation of Sequence Diagram3 1. Use Case Diagram4 1. 1. Use Case Diagram of End User Acting with the RAMsystem4 2. Class Diagram5 2. 1. Class Diagram of RAMsystem5 3. Succession Diagram6 3. 1. Succession Diagram of staff6 3. 2. Arrangement Diagram of manager8 3. 3. Succession Diagram of administrator9 II. Graphical Notion Used Notation of Use Case Diagram [pic] Notation of Class Diagram [pic] Notation of Sequence Diagram [pic] 1. Use Case Diagram 1. Use Case Diagram of End User Acting with the RAMsystem Description: End users(administrator, director, staff) can perform requesting, altering ,checking and the board work insider the RAMsystem. End client can utilize food requesting capacity and food altering capacity just bill had been made by client. No one but supervisor can deal with the obligation roaster. Nobody can alter the database or checks the secret word database execpt the executive. [pic] 2. Class Diagram 1. Class Diagram of RAMsystem Description: All client and database of RAMsystem is made by the overseer. Director can change any of the information in the RAMsystem. Staff and director can make or alter bill yet no one but supervisor can alter obligation roaster. Bill has id, date and cost. Each bill has a one of a kind id. Client can be arranged into 3 sorts, chairman, chief and staff. All clients have their own special id and secret word. Both the executive and the other client can change their own secret key. Nonetheless, overseer can change the secret phrase everybody. [pic] 3. Succession Diagram 1. Grouping Diagram of staff Description: Staff can just include request, make charge, check bill. Just as alter the bill that dependable by he/she and check obligation. [pic][pic] [pic] 2. Arrangement Diagram of administrator Description: Manager can do all the capacity which the staff has the option to do if. Besides, director can alter any of the bills yet not just that dependable by he/she. Likewise, administrator can likewise oversee obligation roaster and check all the information in the database with the exception of the database that store the secret phrase. [pic] 3. Arrangement Diagram of chairman Description: Administrator can do all the capacity of the RAMsystem including alter the entirety of the databases. [pic] Step by step instructions to refer to Ooad Design Specifications, Papers

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